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Thursday, February 28, 2019, 4:00 PM WIB
Last Updated 2019-08-21T16:56:16Z
Financial Planning

My Friends' Response on My Early Retirement


I was in very low profile on I resignation. My friends who know understand that I have my own way on financial management. Normally, everyone can see that I am different from the others on handling monetary issues. Because of this, my friends sometimes like to get my consultation on financial questions. However, if they unwilling to reveal more information about their financial status, I could only share general advice. Because I share my personal experience which are somewhat different from what they generally precept, they normally deny my advise. I recognize that there are three types of learners during my sharing:
  1. The first type - humbly learner: they tend to digest what I've told and sort out where they don't understand. In many cases, such learners will ask more and even ask how to proceed;
  2. The second type - unintentional learner: they tend to give many reasons and excuses on why my method does not work for them. Of course, I just share general experience as I don't know his/her financial situation;
  3. The third type - self-righteous person: they tend to be a bit ironic to say I am wrong
I, of course, enjoy with the first type learners. This is because I also like to communicate with different people to exchange ideas. I am also happy to learn what they have seen and heard and share with each other. In many cases, everyone will be benefited. When I encounter such learners, I am also willing to become a learner as well. When this type of learners know that I am going to retire early, they were so extremely envious of me. I become their mentor. It is rather pity to realize that there are very few of such learners. 

The second type is the one I most often encounter. My observation is that such learners are very good at retreating. They will say a lot of grandiose reasons or excuses that my approach won't work for them. Usually I hear excuses such as not having time to study investment, no money to invest, not enough money, and so on. These are all excuses for shirking. They just don't want to sit down and study the problem and find ways to solve the problem. It is no wonder that this type of learner will not see their future. When such learners learn that I am retiring early, they say that I am stupid on  letting go stable high salary. For this type of person, life is based on money. Unfortunately, to me, their lives are meaningless.

The third type is mostly self-confident and knowledgeable learners. This kind of person will pin point me on my sharing, like an expert. In short, what they said must be right, and I must be wrong. Because of self-righteousness, there have very few friends. Everyone is escaping from them. If I really good for nothing,  why I have attain financial freedom but they still have to work.

Anyway, finance is very personal. Only by understanding your strengths and weaknesses so that you could work out effective plan to achieve your financial freedom.

Keep it up.