You might have been hearing people keep talking about early retirement for various reasons. Yes, your reasons for early retirement is your motive to move forward. With this motive in mind, you have to consider your path on getting there. In short, you know where is your destination and now you have to consider how to get there.
In our daily life, depending on our urgency and distance to destination, we could have various options such as walk, run, drive, ride, fly or take public transportation to reach our destinations. As can be seen here, how soon you could reach your destination is very much subject to which mode of transport you are choosing according to your urgency. Say, you have to attend a meeting in a city which is 1,000km away, if you can't depart early, taking flight will definitely the best option while you could opt for driving if you have ample time. This is exactly same as retirement planning. If you DESTINATION is EARLY RETIREMENT, you have to know where you are now. Investigate your current financial status is a must. When you realize the DISTANCE between where you are now and your final destination, you have to consider how to GET THERE with your available TIME.
If your TIME is short while your DESTINATION is very far away, you might consider two options. First, to give yourself MORE TIME to your DESTINATION or, second, to have TURBO CHARGE investment vehicle to help you to get there. However, the risk of failure for option 2, of course, will be very much higher. Therefore, when setting your target, you have to make a WORKABLE ROAD MAP to help you getting safety and with a peace of mind. That's why financial review comes into picture. Without knowing where you are and what you have, the risk of failure is just too high.
I have started my journey to EARLY RETIREMENT when I was 24. I have designed and reviews the road map to my EARLY RETIREMENT according to my financial status at each stage of my life. I keep studying where I am and what I should do to ensure everything was on track. Even though I have reached my destination, I am still doing financial review to ensure that my financial plan in the remaining of my life is moving according to my road map.
You may share with me your route to EARLY RETIREMENT. For those who are on the way to your final destination could also share with me should you face any difficulty and I might be able to help based on my experience. Looking forward on your sharing.